Enduro Check Times

Posted: Wed 04 Feb 2009


I have written a small program that calculates check times. It is extremely basic but has some nice features.

I used it at Tairua on Sunday. You can see what it looked like by looking here.

The worst thing about it is the command line interface. This is the bit that actually 'calculates' the times (and yes, there is at least one small bug... it doesn't like fractions of a kilometre...).

This produces an XML file that can be edited, if needed, in Notepad.

This xml file displays perfectly in firefox so if you are still in the dark ages and using IE then it may seem less than optimal.

The real beauty is that it is so open. The formatting is controlled by a CSS file, and an XSL file... both of which are just text files. Any tinkerer can TOTALLY alter the way it displays, if they want. I'm hoping that we can find a common format that everyone likes and standardize on it.

Anyway, download the zip file, unzip it into its own directory, go to that directory, and type trailtime kapimana.xml or whatever name you like. Answer the questions and you should get a printable web page at the end.

If the xml file opens in a browser OTHER THAN firefox and you want it to open in firefox then....

  • Use Windows Explorer to browse to the directory
  • Right click on the xml file and select "Open With..."
  • Select "Choose Program"
  • Select firefox... and also tick the "Always use the selected program to open this type of file" checkbox...
  • Click OK and you're away.