Desiree's in Welkom:

Posted: Fri 16 Apr 2004

Silver Bullet is one of only a few Websites worldwide that receives Desiree Crossman`s newsy behind the MotoGP scene column (not always PC). She reports on #21 John (Hopper) Hopkin`s MotoGP exploits and her own as they travel the globe.

You can send your support to John - HERE:

Down in Welkom, South Africa:

Hello everyone,

We arrived here a few days ago but it\'s been a royal pain trying to connect to the net. There are only three usable aol numbers down here and so it hasn\'t been the easiest to get on. I finally managed to do so and the connection is weak so I will write as fast and as efficient as I can without either getting kicked off or because it being so slow, not wanting to beat up the computer.
We left on Easter Sunday, which didn\'t feel like Easter Sunday. I don\'t mean to toot our horn but we got a free upgrade to first class on British Airways so we were styling to London. It\'s not that big of difference really, only thing is they give you pajamas to wear that\'s all. Once we arrived into London, we had a few hours to kill so we went to John\'s cousin\'s house in London and hung out. John and his cousin played a round of golf while I sat with his wife eating the damn English sausages. I don\'t like eating sausages at home, but every time I go to England, I kill for one, or two, or three, and so on. It was a nice layover before heading down to South Africa. We met up with the team around 7:30 and we all flew down.

Once we got in, we got our hire car and drove two hours to Welkom. It seems forever long cause\' it\'s just straight roads all the way down and everything around is flat. We didn\'t pull any Rand out of the cash machine which we should have done cause\' we thought the toll booths take credit cards. Little did we know, and we were sitting there swiping a card that\'s not usable at the toll booths. It was funny, cause\' we looked like dorks but luckily we were traveling with another caravan so they spotted us some money. Next time, we\'ll pull some money out before heading back.

The weather down here is lovely and warm in the southern hemisphere. Should be good. And now for a bit of sad news, John and I are no longer an item. We are, however, still friends and I will still support him in which I will go to a few races, but I won\'t be going to all of them anymore. So, that means I won\'t be doing my updates as much as I use to. Some people maybe happy and some maybe sad, but seldomly I will write to let you know how he\'s doing. Some of you are probably wondering why we split, but we just did and it\'s not bad. We\'re very secure in our friendship so it will work out. I am abit saddend though cause\' I do enjoy writing, we\'ll see how it goes. Anyway, enough of that.

I will write more from the season opener down here in South Africa. I\'m excited for the racing to start, cause\' indeed competition will be fierce this year or this first race rather.
Until tommorrow, bye for now.