Gleaning the internet for the results of New Zealand\'s 2003 Motocross Championship has been [almost] uneventful. [Filched some info off an Aussie site!] I won`t mention that I have not read of the outcome in the Newspaper as that would be expecting toooooo much.
I write this on Tuesday evening, two working days after the event and - nothing on the MNZ website... Publicity of motor cycle sport is a joke.
I don\'t recall receiving a press release from MotorcyclingNewZealand since well before a Communications/Operations Manager was appointed around July this year. One could suppose then that nothing has happened ? [Perhaps everyone is too busy organising the Black Tie Dinner ?]
But then again it is probably to be expected due to the fact that MNZ regards Silver Bullet as \"opposition\" - as they no doubt regard other media forms. That is why their website carries the message- Copyright (c) 2002. All Rights Reserved. All Images and information on this site are the sole property of Motorcycling NZ Inc (MNZ), and may not be used without written consent from the CEO of MNZ.
Whoop de do. I have written before on this subject - and it is my opinion that MNZ does motorcycling a disservice by their precious attitude towards the promotion of motorcycle sport. MNZ is charged with promoting motorcycle sport and they have the nerve to embargo news ??
I have read nothing, that is zilch, on Chris Birch`s gutsy ride in the general media, have you ?
What releases on Chris`s endeavours were made by MNZ ?
How can motorcycle sport expand without a concentrated promotion programme. And that need not be expensive. Modern communications provide PR possibilities that one could only dream of just a few short years ago. Develop a data base of addresses and bombard them with news and information till it hurts. It is just so damn easy these days!
So the targets should be:
1 - To inform and interest the non-motorcyclist so that they may be encouraged to become actively involved at best or just become aware that motorcycling in it\'s many guises is a scintilating sport.
2 - Inform you. If you are reading this you already have an interest in the sport But you are nonetheless entitled to be kept fully informed and encouraged to maintain enthusiasm.
So again I question MNZ - What are the PR aims and initiatives of MNZ? I see little evidence of any.
Without the likes of Andy McGechan, Ian Miles, Roger Moroney et al, motorcycle sport would be well kept secret from the \"public\".
If I sound unhappy I am, as getting info really is like dragging teeth. And that should not be so.... [I have heard the radio adds for the Black Tie Dinner!]
One thing I have noted in my short \"career\" as correspondent is that MNZ does not take kindly to criticism, so watch this space.