This report is from Ben Townley`s PR man, Glen Dempsey.
Visit Ben @ his BenTownleyMX.Com: website.
It features his latest news, pictures, profile etc. and while you are there, leave a message for the young Kiwi in his `Guestbook`.
BT chooses `Be One` Bikes:
Be One bikes, is pleased to announce that New Zealand\'s motocross prodigy, Ben Townley shall be endorsing the Be One line of bicycles.
\"We at Be One Bikes are please to be involved with Ben, because it brings us back to our roots. MX has been an inspiration for the development of our bikes. Next to this Ben\'s image and his dedication to the sport, fits perfectly in our Be One Bikes philosophy.\" Said Be One Bikes\' Dennis Weijers.
BT and Be One Bikes concluded their agreement at the company\'s headquarters in HEESCH, the Netherlands this week where the talented youngster had the opportunity to see the latest in Mountain bike technology released by the Dutch bicycle manufacturer.
\"The guys at Be One are cool and are also into motocross. They have an awesome range of top quality mountain bikes and there is a lot more coming. I spend more time training on bicycles than on motocross bikes so I\'m pumped that all that training time is going to be spent on a Be One - bike!,\" exclaimed Townley.
Be One Bikes develops, manufactures and sells High quality bikes to more than fifteen countries around the globe. The professional Be One Bikes athletes have always been very important to develop and improve the bikes together with the engineers. Be One Bikes will continue this strategy and will be supporting Ben in his campaign for the 2004 World title.
More info @ BeOne-Bikes.Com.
PS: You can catch Ben riding [a motorcycle] at Taupo this weekend.