It appears that NZ will not have an official team at the ISDE Brazil:
this year.
Word has it that Chris Birch is likely to be there and also Paul Whibley, if things fall into place. What a talented duo! BUT a great shame that an official team is not going to back up this Kiwi talent.
I would be interested to know (and maybe readers also) if MNZ funds that could have been used to send a Team to Brazil have been diverted to the Black Tie Motorcycle Awards Dinner.
Motorcycle Trader and News, NZ Motorcycle Importers Association, Honda and ACC have put up dosh for the Dinner and they are to be lauded for that. It is their money to be used in the manner that they see as fitting and their contribution is welcomed.
But I don`t see that as a function for MNZ funds (ie monies extracted from it`s members) and that is why I ask the question. Are MNZ funds being applied to the `Bash`, if so , how much ??
OK, maybe I am just miffed that I didn`t get an invite. But I don`t have a black tie and wouldn`t suit one either, but then neither would most MNZ members.