IRC Tyres Tarawera 100 - New Date:

Posted: Fri 28 Jun 2002

..... IRC Tyres Tarawera 100 .......... New Date!

Firstly, thank you all for being so understanding when we had to postpone our event, due to the EXTREME weather conditions on the Thursday/Friday preceding the 25th anniversary of the IRC Tarawera 100.
The track has now been cleared of the many trees that fell over the track during this freak storm.

We now plan to run the event on:

Any rider not able to make this day, we will refund your entry in full.
The programme remains the same.

The Tarawera Trail Bike club is having its monthly trail ride (in the same area as the 100) on SUNDAY 07 JULY:
So if you want a taste of the country, please join us.
Sign-on from 0800 am.
Sign posted from Te-Teko on S.H 30

For those of you who haven't paid and were going to pay on the day , we would appreciate you now posting in your entry fee before the event.

We are accepting entries for the IRC tyres Tarawera 100 again, so feel free to bring a mate along.
Entry forms are in current Bike-Mart magazine or the JUNE issue of KIWI-RIDER.

Any queries:
Phone Pam - (07) 312-5700 or 025 409-230
E-mail - IRC Tarawera 100