Who Goes on Minute 1?

Posted: Tue 09 Jun 2020

There has been an awesome response to the online entries for this weekends double-banger kick-off (Masterton, Martinborough) to the NZ Enduro Champs.

A lot of people are allergic to an early minute and avoid one like the plague. To encourage people to enter early we promised to save the early numbers for the recalcitrants who left it until the last minute.

This is just a restatement of that fact. Someone has to go on the early minutes. It could be you...

The plan is that the last FIVE people to enter for each day get to go on Minute ONE and TWO with Seth. This is either online or on the day. It looks like there won't be many on-the-day entries so we'll manage it as best we can.

An early minute is not the end of the world but, if you feel particularly hard-done by, come and see us in private and we'll harden you up.

Seriously, we don't want anyone to be unhappy... we'll do what we can... but that is the nature of the beast.

P.S. There are a few people who have been in touch who have had trouble entering and are not yet showing on the list. Don't fear... we're cruel, but we're fair.