M/cycle Sport on TV:

Posted: Wed 31 Mar 2004

Unless you have just flown in from Tanzania you will be aware that Kiwi motorcycle sport fans are being treated as 2nd class citizens by SKY. The following is the standard reply from the SKY spokesperson.
A significant sentence in that reply is \"While we would love to continue showing the Moto GP and Moto X, the asking price was prohibitive and viewing very limited \"
Telling indeed and if you did not heed my rant in The Sound of Silence: perhaps you should now........
The alternative is that we will stay 2nd class citizens and m/cycle sport will continue to be considered as \"limited viewing\".

From SKY Web:
Good Morning Paul,
Thank you for your email. Unfortunately we don\'t have any coverage of either of these events this year. Once a contract for a sport has expired SKY puts in a bid for the continuation of rights. Unfortunately our bid was not accepted by the distributor this year and they were unwilling to negotiate a price. While we would love to continue showing the Moto GP and Moto X, the asking price was prohibitive and viewing very limited we were unable to secure rights for this seasons race.
We will continue to put in a bid each season hoping to secure rights.
Jill Dicken,
Programming Liaison Officer.

Paul\'s reply:

Hello Jill
Thanks for your reply.
When I joined SKY it was because you were a good alternative to the normal TV channels. You screened World Motocross GP\'s and live MotoGP and we proud Kiwi Bike riders were able to watch the exploits of our own Josh Coppins (and later Ben Townley) compete against Europes best. It was great. Myself and many others avidly watched these events without fail. In some cases we even grumpily put up with SKY rescheduling our events so that Cricket or something else could go on. To learn that MotoGP will no longer be screened \'Live\' was a disappointment, but when I waited in vain for the coverage of Ben Townley dealing to his rivals in the Belgium round of the World Motocross GP\'s, only to discover the GP\'s will also not now be screened I was livid. I for one am not going to pay for something I\'m not getting. Please immediately cancel my subscription to SKY Digital. I may as well go back to watching normal channel TV and renting the odd DVD. You don\'t have to pay for TV1, 2, 3 and Prime.
Note: You may have saved some money on the screening rights but how much will you lose in motorcyclist viewer subscriptions? You may have underestimated how many other Kiwi bike riders will do the same.