A Response:

Posted: Sat 06 Mar 2004

Trevor Gill, CEO MNZ responds to - The Sounds of Silence

We didn’t put anything to SKY TV as you have already opined, SKY TV is a pay per view network - we agree with you that if 5000 people are outraged then 5000 people should send in their protests, if they are subscribers this would make an impact. \"One of our members is outraged” does not really have much going for it. People need to do something for themselves - its like expecting the council to mow the verge at the front of your property.

Your comments about us not marketing the sport are your view and no doubt others will have theirs. Some of the new things we have done in the 12 months to market motorcycle sport in general are much understated. Right now, we are focusing on the local scene with our limited resources. Our doctrine is that “little Johnny” is more likely to take up the sport if he sees Kiwis like Sean Harris and Shayne King on TV or in the flesh.

Our marketing efforts are focused on where we think we can get the most impact with our resources.

Speaking as the father of two little Jonny\'s it is highly unlikely that they would be up at 2am to watch a race from a distant country.

Marketing is the responsibility of us all - not just one person. If I work 24 hrs of the day, I still cannot do everything.

Many riders tell me how passionate they are about motorcycling. That’s good. However, when did you last contact your local paper, local MP, council, school etc, and tell them what’s going on. Marketing is essentially about community coalitions. We all have to do our bit. The reason we got MMP is that we all sat round and did nothing.

Trevor Gill