'Touring' on an RG150 ??!!

Posted: Mon 28 Sep 1998

For those that don\'t believe it - th RG150 *does* actually go quite well with a pillion on board. Ever since I bought my wife the proper gear and put her on the back of the bike I can\'t now get rid of her. My days hooning solo round the back roads are over I reckon [not bloody likely !]. Okay, so the RG150 is hardly a rocket with two up but it still doesn\'t hang around. Today we took the bike from Hamilton to Rotorua, then up to Mt Manganui and back to HAmilton again - quite a reasonable trip. We laft Hamilton at 9am and popped in on a friend in Cambridge where we got held up for a while, eventually getting on the road again around 10:30am. It was a tad cold going over the Kamai\'s but by 11: we were in Rotorua and settled into a cafe for some well earned food. In this particular case she had bacon & eggs whilst I plumped for nachos - we both had a welcome hot chocolate. We didn\'t hang around and soon mounted up again for the trip to Mt Manganui where we stopped again for a drink. I really don\'t remember the time but we didn\'t stop long and carried on back to Hamilton over the Kamai\'s again and arrived home around 3pm. Generally speaking we kept up a good pace and was able to pass most vehicales with relative ease - sure you have to plan ahead a bit and kock it down a gear (or maybe two) but generally it isn\'t as bad as most people might assume. All in all a good day of 5 hours riding, seeing some new scenery and enjoying ourselves. So now we have teh \'long(-ish) distance bug keep your eyes peeled - if you see a purple RG150 with the dude up front in a black/red/white AGV suit and the bod on the back all in black - that\'s us - give us a wave ! See you around...